Saturday, 7 July 2012

Thu, Jun 28, 2012 - 7.96 mi [Cycling] Newcastle to Jarrow

Thu, Jun 28, 2012 - 7.96 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 19.50
Calories: 486
Elevation: 367

7.96 mi in 00:48:01 hours at 9.95 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle home from Central Station after the almightiest of storms over Newcastle. I diverted from my normal route to see the devestation that 4 inches of rain in an hour had caused. As well as delaying my train by 3 hours at Darlington the whole of the roads on the suth of the river appeared to be flooded somewhere and I began to think if I hadn't had my bike I very much doubt I would have got home tonight - all the metros were off and as I cycled past the Swan pub at Heworth I coan only describe it as sitting in the middle of a lake. Further roads were flooded at Wardley and beneath the Train Line at Fellagte cars were floating with only their roofs visible and a waterfall was gushing off the fields onto the dual carriageway which was about 8 feet under water.

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