Thursday, 30 June 2011

Thu, Jun 30, 2011 - 22.15 mi [Cycling] Edinburgh Portobello Leith Loop

Thu, Jun 30, 2011 - 22.15 mi [Cycling]
22.15 mi in 01:48:32 hours at 12.25 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Went for a bit of a ride around Edinburgh but as I don't have my lead with me I can't sse the exact route - my garmin reckons I reached 76.19 mph - sure I would have remembered that !! I left York St and headed up to the royal Mile via Waverley to pick up some tickets - then down to Holyrood and around Arthurs Seat. Just near the Olympic Pool I picked up with National Cycle Route 1 to Musselburgh and it went underground through a 1/4 mile long tunnel which was an old railway called the Innocent tunnel - I even video'd it for my blog.

Anyway out to portobello and back via Leith I took some great photos which again will go on my blog as will the full route when I upload it.


1 mile : The Royal Mile looking down towards Canongate

3 miles : Holyrood Palace
3 miles : The Scottish Parliament building with the Salisbury
Crags high up above.

3 miles : The Queens Gallery again at Holyrood
4 miles : A stunning evening sky from the south side
of Arthur's Seat looking along the Edinbrgh City skyline
9 miles : The view along the Firth of Forth from Joppa looking
all the way down to North Berwick where you can see the 618 feet
high hill which is North Berwick Law 
13 miles : Leith Docks and looking up at some old disused
dockyard cranes.

13 miles : Looking acrooss the dock to a large Silo block through
the crane framework.

14 miles : Just near the Royal Yacht Brittania you can
find this fella at the end of an old pier.

14 miles : A closer look at the guy on the end of the old pier    
14 miles : Very colourful cranes and cable reels across Leith docks
from the Royal Yacht berth.

14 miles : Is it a ship or is it a large new Condominium development
on Leith Docks ?

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