Sunday, 8 August 2010

Thursday 29th July - Bremerhaven to Neumunster

Day 4 : Bremerhaven to Neumunster

Distance = 83.66 miles
Time = 6hrs 17 mins
Average Speed = 13.3 mph
Elevation = 1652 feet
Calories = 3757

Tour Distance = 353 miles Time = 28hrs 49 mins Calories = 15,125

A pleasant ride eastwards leaving Bremerhaven quite late at about 11am having first tried to fix my camera and then given up and bought a new one at the out of town retail park near Lehe in Bremerhaven.
A cycle through a wooded forest and some unexpected rain to Bad Baderska where i took shelter under a bus shelter for 30 minutes and then discovered the town centre was a building site across which I had to carry my bike.
A cycle thorugh further forest tracks to Hemmoor where I found a nice windmill and was promptly electrocuted on an electric fence whilst trying to get close for a photograph - Actung !!!
A steady ride down to Wischnafen where I passed a huge queue for the ferry across the Elbe to Gluckstadt. The ferry came in quickly as I bypassed the 2 mile long queue and soon I was on board crossing and exchanging  cycling experiences with a guy from Zoetermeer in Holland who was doing the North Sea cycle route towing a trailer with all his living & camping gear in.
from Gluckstadt it was continuing east through even more forested trails until I arrived in Neumunster - a quick shower in my hotel which was Firzlaffs Hotel then into town for another nice pasta meal in a wine bar in the town centre where I managed to practice a bit more German, culminating in me getting a haircut the next morning all in German - the cut was a lot more svere & shorter than I expected but I got exactly what i asked for - I just didn't  realize how short 3 millimetres are !!! 


Cycling through the forests leaving Bremerhaven
heading east towards Bad Baderska

A funky Bicycle stand in Bad Baderska

Unfortunately the Town Centre in Bad Baderska
appeared to be a big building site.

Having fun enjoying the ride heading towards Gluckstadt

Lovely forest trails near Hemmoor

Deep in the Forest

A big mast in the forest near Wohlenbeck

Crossing the river Deich near Osten

The 2 mile long queue of traffic at Wischnafen waiting for the ferry
across the Elbe to Gluckstadt ... which of course I cycled straight past !

The Elbe Ferry

A closer look at the Ferry landing at Wischofen
The River Elbe this far north is well errr pretty much the North Sea
- One very wide river
About 50 miles for the day so far and no sign of any Krempe in these legs !
The Schloss Breitenburg Golf Club near Munsterdorf.

Back in the forests but closing in on Neumunster

Neumunster Town Hall and a wedding going on

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