August Stats
August 2012 - Monthly Stats
Number of Rides = 69
Total Distance = 319.34 Miles
Time in Saddle = 24hrs 19mins 01secs
Average Speed = 13.13 mph
Total Elevation Gain = ft
Total Calories =
Longest Ride in July = 14.32 miles on my foldable Dawes Jack of all things - cycle after work along the bckroads on a lovely night from Ledbury to Hereford.
Friday, 31 August 2012
Fri, Aug 31, 2012 - 4.60 mi [Cycling] Heworth Golf Club to Boldon & Jarrow
Fri, Aug 31, 2012 - 4.60 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 24.80
Elevation: 91
4.60 mi in 00:19:17 hours at 14.31 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle home from the golf club via the Boldon Chippy - first meal all day !
Max Speed: 24.80
Elevation: 91
4.60 mi in 00:19:17 hours at 14.31 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle home from the golf club via the Boldon Chippy - first meal all day !
Fri, Aug 31, 2012 - 7.44 mi [Cycling] Dunston Heworth GC
Fri, Aug 31, 2012 - 7.44 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 24.40
Elevation: 378
7.44 mi in 00:31:55 hours at 13.99 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle back to the golf course after work for a little more practice.
Max Speed: 24.40
Elevation: 378
7.44 mi in 00:31:55 hours at 13.99 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle back to the golf course after work for a little more practice.
Fri, Aug 31, 2012 - 7.16 mi [Cycling] Heworth GC Dunston
Fri, Aug 31, 2012 - 7.16 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 23.00
Elevation: 142
7.16 mi in 00:32:08 hours at 13.37 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle up from the Golf Club to the gatehouse at the former Fed Brewery for a meeting.
Max Speed: 23.00
Elevation: 142
7.16 mi in 00:32:08 hours at 13.37 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle up from the Golf Club to the gatehouse at the former Fed Brewery for a meeting.
Fri, Aug 31, 2012 - 3.17 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Heworth Golf Club
Fri, Aug 31, 2012 - 3.17 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 13.80
Elevation: 275
3.17 mi in 00:18:10 hours at 10.47 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle up to the golf club for a few very early morning holes.
Max Speed: 13.80
Elevation: 275
3.17 mi in 00:18:10 hours at 10.47 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle up to the golf club for a few very early morning holes.
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Thu, Aug 30, 2012 - 7.58 mi [Cycling] Newcastle to Jarrow
Thu, Aug 30, 2012 - 7.58 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 28.30
Elevation: 213
7.58 mi in 00:34:35 hours at 13.15 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle home from Newcastle Station - lovely night - bit of a headwind and a bit cold for a sunny August night
Max Speed: 28.30
Elevation: 213
7.58 mi in 00:34:35 hours at 13.15 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle home from Newcastle Station - lovely night - bit of a headwind and a bit cold for a sunny August night
Thu, Aug 30, 2012 - 2.11 mi [Cycling] Manchester
Thu, Aug 30, 2012 - 2.11 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 28.60
Elevation: 92
2.11 mi in 00:13:09 hours at 9.63 mi/h on Hire Hire. [Cycling] The process to return the Brompton Hire Bike was identical and the folding of the bike was equally as difficult - the instruction say lift the front wheel to clip it to the frame .... lift the front wheel ??? its fixed to the forks ???
Max Speed: 28.60
Elevation: 92
2.11 mi in 00:13:09 hours at 9.63 mi/h on Hire Hire. [Cycling] The process to return the Brompton Hire Bike was identical and the folding of the bike was equally as difficult - the instruction say lift the front wheel to clip it to the frame .... lift the front wheel ??? its fixed to the forks ???
Thu, Aug 30, 2012 - 2.36 mi [Cycling] Manchester
Thu, Aug 30, 2012 - 2.36 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 27.60
Elevation: 30
2.36 mi in 00:11:45 hours at 12.05 mi/h on Hire Hire. [Cycling] First time I hired a Brompton from the boxes outside Piccadilly Station - straight forward process to hire a bike using a text to gain the access code - 10 minutes to figure out how t assemble the bike and I was away - pity it doent come with a lock but it was safe enough at the brewery.
Max Speed: 27.60
Elevation: 30
2.36 mi in 00:11:45 hours at 12.05 mi/h on Hire Hire. [Cycling] First time I hired a Brompton from the boxes outside Piccadilly Station - straight forward process to hire a bike using a text to gain the access code - 10 minutes to figure out how t assemble the bike and I was away - pity it doent come with a lock but it was safe enough at the brewery.
Wed, Aug 29, 2012 - 3.20 mi [Cycling] Ledbury
Wed, Aug 29, 2012 - 3.20 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 23.00
Elevation: 542
3.20 mi in 00:16:42 hours at 11.50 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Well it was throwing it down at Ledbury on Wednesday morning and although my Garmin was on I mustn't have pressed the start correctly so I arrived at UBL soaked to the skin but no log. So for the stats I have just doubled up my return ride which was the same route but much more uphill so the time would have been much less.
Max Speed: 23.00
Elevation: 542
3.20 mi in 00:16:42 hours at 11.50 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Well it was throwing it down at Ledbury on Wednesday morning and although my Garmin was on I mustn't have pressed the start correctly so I arrived at UBL soaked to the skin but no log. So for the stats I have just doubled up my return ride which was the same route but much more uphill so the time would have been much less.
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Tue, Aug 28, 2012 - 6.92 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Newcastle
Tue, Aug 28, 2012 - 6.92 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 21.00
Elevation: 365
6.92 mi in 00:31:45 hours at 13.08 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] 5am Cycle up to Centrai Station to catch the first train to Birmingham and on to Hereford. Another cracking midweek morning ... wish we could get a few at the weekend before the Summer is out.
Max Speed: 21.00
Elevation: 365
6.92 mi in 00:31:45 hours at 13.08 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] 5am Cycle up to Centrai Station to catch the first train to Birmingham and on to Hereford. Another cracking midweek morning ... wish we could get a few at the weekend before the Summer is out.
Monday, 27 August 2012
Mon, Aug 27, 2012 - 2.90 mi [Cycling] Heworth Golf Club to Jarrow
Mon, Aug 27, 2012 - 2.90 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 23.10
Elevation: 52
2.90 mi in 00:10:34 hours at 16.47 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle back from the Golf Course after putting those Mackems firmly in their place .
Max Speed: 23.10
Elevation: 52
2.90 mi in 00:10:34 hours at 16.47 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle back from the Golf Course after putting those Mackems firmly in their place .
Mon, Aug 27, 2012 - 3.25 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Heworth Golf Club
Mon, Aug 27, 2012 - 3.25 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 21.50
Elevation: 245
3.25 mi in 00:16:02 hours at 12.16 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle up to the Golf course for a very special Toon v Mackems golf competition - colours compulsory !
Max Speed: 21.50
Elevation: 245
3.25 mi in 00:16:02 hours at 12.16 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle up to the Golf course for a very special Toon v Mackems golf competition - colours compulsory !
Sun, Aug 26, 2012 - 3.24 mi [Cycling] Heworth Golf Club to Jarrow
Sun, Aug 26, 2012 - 3.24 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 27.40
Elevation: 20
3.24 mi in 00:11:34 hours at 16.81 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle back from another disappointing round of golf- playing well but the greens are tough & I just couldn't get the putts in.
Max Speed: 27.40
Elevation: 20
3.24 mi in 00:11:34 hours at 16.81 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle back from another disappointing round of golf- playing well but the greens are tough & I just couldn't get the putts in.
Sun, Aug 26, 2012 - 3.06 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Heworth Golf Club
Sun, Aug 26, 2012 - 3.06 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 26.10
Elevation: 162
3.06 mi in 00:14:58 hours at 12.27 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle uo to the Golf Course for one of this years rearranged Comps.
Max Speed: 26.10
Elevation: 162
3.06 mi in 00:14:58 hours at 12.27 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle uo to the Golf Course for one of this years rearranged Comps.
Friday, 24 August 2012
Fri, Aug 24, 2012 - 3.22 mi [Cycling] Heworth Golf Club to Jarrow
Fri, Aug 24, 2012 - 3.22 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 23.70
Elevation: 40
3.22 mi in 00:11:27 hours at 16.87 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle back home down the Bowes line from Heworth Golf Club.
Max Speed: 23.70
Elevation: 40
3.22 mi in 00:11:27 hours at 16.87 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle back home down the Bowes line from Heworth Golf Club.
Fri, Aug 24, 2012 - 2.94 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Heworth Golf Club
Fri, Aug 24, 2012 - 2.94 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 19.80
Elevation: 157
2.94 mi in 00:11:19 hours at 15.59 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle up to Heworth Golf Course for an afternoon round
Max Speed: 19.80
Elevation: 157
2.94 mi in 00:11:19 hours at 15.59 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle up to Heworth Golf Course for an afternoon round
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Thu, Aug 23, 2012 - 7.41 mi [Cycling] Newcastle to Jarrow
Thu, Aug 23, 2012 - 7.41 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 25.60
Elevation: 222
7.41 mi in 00:34:17 hours at 12.97 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle home from Newcastle with a heavy pannier containing a weeks woth of stuff and laptop etc.
Max Speed: 25.60
Elevation: 222
7.41 mi in 00:34:17 hours at 12.97 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle home from Newcastle with a heavy pannier containing a weeks woth of stuff and laptop etc.
Thu, Aug 23, 2012 - 2.69 mi [Cycling] Hereford
Thu, Aug 23, 2012 - 2.69 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 19.20
Elevation: 67
2.69 mi in 00:14:59 hours at 10.77 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cycle back across town and just in time at Hereford station to catch the 1:55 to Manchester
Max Speed: 19.20
Elevation: 67
2.69 mi in 00:14:59 hours at 10.77 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cycle back across town and just in time at Hereford station to catch the 1:55 to Manchester
Thu, Aug 23, 2012 - 2.68 mi [Cycling] Hereford
Thu, Aug 23, 2012 - 2.68 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 22.20
Elevation: 140
2.68 mi in 00:16:35 hours at 9.70 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cycle across town via the Victoria suspension Bridge and along the Wye to the cycle path down to Bulmers.
Max Speed: 22.20
Elevation: 140
2.68 mi in 00:16:35 hours at 9.70 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cycle across town via the Victoria suspension Bridge and along the Wye to the cycle path down to Bulmers.
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Wed, Aug 22, 2012 - 1.34 mi [Cycling] Hereford
Wed, Aug 22, 2012 - 1.34 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 16.20
Elevation: 74
1.34 mi in 00:11:55 hours at 6.75 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cycle from the station to my hotel round the corner .... then back to the station as I had realised I had left my jacket & keys on the train to Cardiff. Jacket recovered at Newport & sent back on te next train which arrived at 10pm then a cycle back to teh hotel again.
Max Speed: 16.20
Elevation: 74
1.34 mi in 00:11:55 hours at 6.75 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cycle from the station to my hotel round the corner .... then back to the station as I had realised I had left my jacket & keys on the train to Cardiff. Jacket recovered at Newport & sent back on te next train which arrived at 10pm then a cycle back to teh hotel again.
Wed, Aug 22, 2012 - 0.71 mi [Cycling] South Gyle
Wed, Aug 22, 2012 - 0.71 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 26.80
Elevation: 33
0.71 mi in 00:04:03 hours at 10.52 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Just as well I hit a max speed of 26mph as I caught the train to the Haymarket with seconds to spare and as I was connecting onto a train to Crewe it saved a whole lot of hassle.
Max Speed: 26.80
Elevation: 33
0.71 mi in 00:04:03 hours at 10.52 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Just as well I hit a max speed of 26mph as I caught the train to the Haymarket with seconds to spare and as I was connecting onto a train to Crewe it saved a whole lot of hassle.
Wed, Aug 22, 2012 - 7.39 mi [Cycling] Edinburgh to South Gyle
Wed, Aug 22, 2012 - 7.39 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 18.40
Elevation: 93
7.39 mi in 00:42:49 hours at 10.36 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Another cycle along the canal to South Gyle and starting to find shorter routes through Wester Hailes every day
Max Speed: 18.40
Elevation: 93
7.39 mi in 00:42:49 hours at 10.36 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Another cycle along the canal to South Gyle and starting to find shorter routes through Wester Hailes every day
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
Tue, Aug 21, 2012 - 7.54 mi [Cycling] South Gyle to Edinburgh
Tue, Aug 21, 2012 - 7.54 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 22.80
Elevation: 325
7.54 mi in 00:48:49 hours at 9.27 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cycle back inot Edinburgh from South Gyle via the Union Canal.
Max Speed: 22.80
Elevation: 325
7.54 mi in 00:48:49 hours at 9.27 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cycle back inot Edinburgh from South Gyle via the Union Canal.
Tue, Aug 21, 2012 - 7.54 mi [Cycling] Edinburgh South Gyle
Tue, Aug 21, 2012 - 7.54 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 22.70
Elevation: 252
7.54 mi in 00:45:02 hours at 10.05 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cycle along the Union Canal and down through Sighthill to South Gyle - the cycle towpath along the canal is very narrow, cobbled and particularly dangerous where it ducks under the numerous bridges - add a fold up bike with a heavy pannier on the back and I was lucky to survive !
Max Speed: 22.70
Elevation: 252
7.54 mi in 00:45:02 hours at 10.05 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cycle along the Union Canal and down through Sighthill to South Gyle - the cycle towpath along the canal is very narrow, cobbled and particularly dangerous where it ducks under the numerous bridges - add a fold up bike with a heavy pannier on the back and I was lucky to survive !
Mon, Aug 20, 2012 - 8.82 mi [Cycling] South Gyle to edinburgh
Mon, Aug 20, 2012 - 8.82 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 19.70
Elevation: 353
8.82 mi in 00:56:11 hours at 9.42 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cycle back into Edinburgh from South Gyle along the Union Canal which I eventually found after getting a bit lost and finding myself cycling round and round the perimeter of a jail - sure the cameras were on me wondering what I was up to.
Max Speed: 19.70
Elevation: 353
8.82 mi in 00:56:11 hours at 9.42 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cycle back into Edinburgh from South Gyle along the Union Canal which I eventually found after getting a bit lost and finding myself cycling round and round the perimeter of a jail - sure the cameras were on me wondering what I was up to.
Mon, Aug 20, 2012 - 6.89 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Newcastle
Mon, Aug 20, 2012 - 6.89 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 26.60
Elevation: 356
6.89 mi in 00:34:21 hours at 12.03 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cycle up to Town on my foldable Dawes Jack to take up to Edinburgh where I will be working the next 3 days - nhandy for the commute !
Max Speed: 26.60
Elevation: 356
6.89 mi in 00:34:21 hours at 12.03 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cycle up to Town on my foldable Dawes Jack to take up to Edinburgh where I will be working the next 3 days - nhandy for the commute !
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Sun, Aug 19, 2012 - 2.96 mi [Cycling] Heworth Golf Course to Jarrow
Sun, Aug 19, 2012 - 2.96 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 27.40
Elevation: 35
2.96 mi in 00:10:41 hours at 16.62 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Another bit of a wet cycle home from the golf course after yet another heavy shower - will it ever stop this summer ?
Max Speed: 27.40
Elevation: 35
2.96 mi in 00:10:41 hours at 16.62 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Another bit of a wet cycle home from the golf course after yet another heavy shower - will it ever stop this summer ?
Sun, Aug 19, 2012 - 3.21 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Heworth Golf Club
Sun, Aug 19, 2012 - 3.21 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 17.10
Elevation: 143
3.21 mi in 00:15:30 hours at 12.43 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle up to the Golf Course to get my clubs and head across to Whitley Bay to play in an Open Pairs Competiton.
A simple enough short ride but the realsignificance is this ride took my 2012 accumulated disctance to 2000 miles
Max Speed: 17.10
Elevation: 143
3.21 mi in 00:15:30 hours at 12.43 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle up to the Golf Course to get my clubs and head across to Whitley Bay to play in an Open Pairs Competiton.
A simple enough short ride but the realsignificance is this ride took my 2012 accumulated disctance to 2000 miles
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Sat, Aug 18, 2012 - 7.25 mi [Cycling] Newcastle to Jarrow
Sat, Aug 18, 2012 - 7.25 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 34.70
Elevation: 250
7.25 mi in 00:25:53 hours at 16.81 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Woohooo - Toon Toon .. super win v Spurs - great start to the season and a turbo charged ride home in less than 26 minutes !
Max Speed: 34.70
Elevation: 250
7.25 mi in 00:25:53 hours at 16.81 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Woohooo - Toon Toon .. super win v Spurs - great start to the season and a turbo charged ride home in less than 26 minutes !
Sat, Aug 18, 2012 - 7.20 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Newcastle
Sat, Aug 18, 2012 - 7.20 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 27.30
Elevation: 292
7.20 mi in 00:29:56 hours at 14.43 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle uptown into a headwind on my way to the first match of a new season ... C'mon the Toon
Max Speed: 27.30
Elevation: 292
7.20 mi in 00:29:56 hours at 14.43 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle uptown into a headwind on my way to the first match of a new season ... C'mon the Toon
Friday, 17 August 2012
Fri, Aug 17, 2012 - 3.11 mi [Cycling] Heworth Golf Club to Jarrow
Fri, Aug 17, 2012 - 3.11 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 30.60
Elevation: 255
3.11 mi in 00:09:56 hours at 18.79 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Fastest ride home yet ... Home from the Golf club in under 10 minutes !!
Max Speed: 30.60
Elevation: 255
3.11 mi in 00:09:56 hours at 18.79 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Fastest ride home yet ... Home from the Golf club in under 10 minutes !!
Fri, Aug 17, 2012 - 3.21 mi [Cycling] Jarrow HeworthGC
Fri, Aug 17, 2012 - 3.21 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 16.60
Elevation: 140
3.21 mi in 00:14:46 hours at 13.04 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle up to the golf club to sign up for next weeks competitions
Max Speed: 16.60
Elevation: 140
3.21 mi in 00:14:46 hours at 13.04 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle up to the golf club to sign up for next weeks competitions
Fri, Aug 17, 2012 - 2.96 mi [Cycling] Heworth Golf Course to Jarrow
Fri, Aug 17, 2012 - 2.96 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 22.60
Elevation: 38
2.96 mi in 00:10:59 hours at 16.17 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Very wet ride home - the rain came earlier than I anticiated & I had no waterproofs with me - this led to me taking a direct route and a fast ride home
Max Speed: 22.60
Elevation: 38
2.96 mi in 00:10:59 hours at 16.17 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Very wet ride home - the rain came earlier than I anticiated & I had no waterproofs with me - this led to me taking a direct route and a fast ride home
Fri, Aug 17, 2012 - 3.19 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Heworth Golf Course
Fri, Aug 17, 2012 - 3.19 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 20.30
Elevation: 79
3.19 mi in 00:14:50 hours at 12.90 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Very early cycle up to the Golf Course for a super fast round before work
Max Speed: 20.30
Elevation: 79
3.19 mi in 00:14:50 hours at 12.90 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Very early cycle up to the Golf Course for a super fast round before work
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Thu, Aug 16, 2012 - 7.51 mi [Cycling] Newcastle to Jarrow
Thu, Aug 16, 2012 - 7.51 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 28.70
Elevation: 219
7.51 mi in 00:35:09 hours at 12.82 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cycle home on my Dawes Jack from Newcastle - brought it home for a service this weekend as it's been gathering dust at Ledbury for weeks.
Max Speed: 28.70
Elevation: 219
7.51 mi in 00:35:09 hours at 12.82 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cycle home on my Dawes Jack from Newcastle - brought it home for a service this weekend as it's been gathering dust at Ledbury for weeks.
Thu, Aug 16, 2012 - 1.53 mi [Cycling] Ledbury
Thu, Aug 16, 2012 - 1.53 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 22.10
Elevation: 131
1.53 mi in 00:07:36 hours at 12.08 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cycle back up the hill to Ledbury Station
Max Speed: 22.10
Elevation: 131
1.53 mi in 00:07:36 hours at 12.08 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cycle back up the hill to Ledbury Station
Thu, Aug 16, 2012 - 1.75 mi [Cycling] Ledbury
Thu, Aug 16, 2012 - 1.75 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 24.50
Elevation: 357
1.75 mi in 00:08:06 hours at 12.96 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cycle to Hereford Station (Round the Corner) then down the hill to UBL
Max Speed: 24.50
Elevation: 357
1.75 mi in 00:08:06 hours at 12.96 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cycle to Hereford Station (Round the Corner) then down the hill to UBL
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Wed, Aug 15, 2012 - 14.32 mi [Cycling] Ledbury to Hereford
Wed, Aug 15, 2012 - 14.32 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 36.70
Elevation: 1061
14.32 mi in 01:12:40 hours at 11.82 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Welll that was an interesting ride - as it appeared to be a good night I decided to cycle back to Hereford from Ledbury rather than get te train....
Sounds good .. but it's 14 miles and the only bike I have here is my Dawes Jack foldable commuter and the countryside is pretty severe.
Well it was really beautiful and my stats surprised me ...
Especially ... Max Speed = 36.7 mph (on a foldable bike - eeeek) and total elevation climbed = 1061 feet
Wow !!
Photographs :
Since it was a nice night I took a few pictures near Mordiford at about 10 miles :
Max Speed: 36.70
Elevation: 1061
14.32 mi in 01:12:40 hours at 11.82 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Welll that was an interesting ride - as it appeared to be a good night I decided to cycle back to Hereford from Ledbury rather than get te train....
Sounds good .. but it's 14 miles and the only bike I have here is my Dawes Jack foldable commuter and the countryside is pretty severe.
Well it was really beautiful and my stats surprised me ...
Especially ... Max Speed = 36.7 mph (on a foldable bike - eeeek) and total elevation climbed = 1061 feet
Wow !!
Photographs :
Since it was a nice night I took a few pictures near Mordiford at about 10 miles :
Wed, Aug 15, 2012 - 1.92 mi [Cycling] Ledbury
Wed, Aug 15, 2012 - 1.92 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 23.80
Elevation: 67
1.92 mi in 00:06:42 hours at 17.19 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cysle down the hill from Ledbury Train Station to UBL just across the bypass
Max Speed: 23.80
Elevation: 67
1.92 mi in 00:06:42 hours at 17.19 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Cysle down the hill from Ledbury Train Station to UBL just across the bypass
Tue, Aug 14, 2012 - 9.67 mi [Cycling] Tadcaster to York
Tue, Aug 14, 2012 - 9.67 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 21.00
Elevation: 266
9.67 mi in 00:36:40 hours at 15.82 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Fast ride downwind back into York slowed only by hitting every traffic light on Tadcaster Road !
Max Speed: 21.00
Elevation: 266
9.67 mi in 00:36:40 hours at 15.82 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Fast ride downwind back into York slowed only by hitting every traffic light on Tadcaster Road !
Tue, Aug 14, 2012 - 9.60 mi [Cycling] York to Tadcaster
Tue, Aug 14, 2012 - 9.60 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 28.40
Elevation: 180
9.60 mi in 00:40:36 hours at 14.19 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle from York down to Tadcaster into a bit of a headwind made worse along the A64 by the backdraft off the wagons as I cicled counter flow on th cycle path
Max Speed: 28.40
Elevation: 180
9.60 mi in 00:40:36 hours at 14.19 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle from York down to Tadcaster into a bit of a headwind made worse along the A64 by the backdraft off the wagons as I cicled counter flow on th cycle path
Tue, Aug 14, 2012 - 6.89 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Newcastle
Tue, Aug 14, 2012 - 6.89 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 22.20
Elevation: 316
6.89 mi in 00:31:45 hours at 13.02 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle up to Central Station to catch a train to York for a quick visit to Tadcaster on my way down to Hereford today.
Max Speed: 22.20
Elevation: 316
6.89 mi in 00:31:45 hours at 13.02 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle up to Central Station to catch a train to York for a quick visit to Tadcaster on my way down to Hereford today.
Monday, 13 August 2012
Mon, Aug 13, 2012 - 7.42 mi [Cycling] Newcastle to Jarrow
Mon, Aug 13, 2012 - 7.42 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 29.90
Elevation: 198
7.42 mi in 00:28:44 hours at 15.49 mi/h. [Cycling] Cycle home from Central station and that blurtery wind was still there swirling in off the coast and gusting strong at times so I was pleased with a sub 30 minute ride in that headwind.
Max Speed: 29.90
Elevation: 198
7.42 mi in 00:28:44 hours at 15.49 mi/h. [Cycling] Cycle home from Central station and that blurtery wind was still there swirling in off the coast and gusting strong at times so I was pleased with a sub 30 minute ride in that headwind.
Mon, Aug 13, 2012 - 6.92 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Newcastle
Mon, Aug 13, 2012 - 6.92 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 24.70
Elevation: 319
6.92 mi in 00:27:49 hours at 14.93 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Pretty fast ride up to Central Station to catch the 7:35 to Edinburgh ... A gusty wind mainly off the coast meant I was there by 7am !
Max Speed: 24.70
Elevation: 319
6.92 mi in 00:27:49 hours at 14.93 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Pretty fast ride up to Central Station to catch the 7:35 to Edinburgh ... A gusty wind mainly off the coast meant I was there by 7am !
Sun, Aug 12, 2012 - 3.21 mi [Cycling] Heworth Golf Course to Jarrow
Mon, Aug 13, 2012 - 3.21 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 17.50
Elevation: 152
3.21 mi in 00:14:42 hours at 13.10 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle back up to the golf club for day 2 of the comp
Max Speed: 17.50
Elevation: 152
3.21 mi in 00:14:42 hours at 13.10 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle back up to the golf club for day 2 of the comp
Sun, Aug 12, 2012 - 3.21 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Heworth Golf Course
Mon, Aug 13, 2012 - 3.21 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 17.50
Elevation: 152
3.21 mi in 00:14:42 hours at 13.10 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle back up to the golf club for day 2 of the comp
Max Speed: 17.50
Elevation: 152
3.21 mi in 00:14:42 hours at 13.10 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle back up to the golf club for day 2 of the comp
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Sat, Aug 11, 2012 - 3.22 mi [Cycling] Heworth Golf Club to Jarrow
Sat, Aug 11, 2012 - 3.22 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 25.20
Elevation: 34
3.22 mi in 00:11:55 hours at 16.21 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Another fast ride home but into a headwind which meant I was over 11 minutes ... but under 12 was fast riding
Max Speed: 25.20
Elevation: 34
3.22 mi in 00:11:55 hours at 16.21 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Another fast ride home but into a headwind which meant I was over 11 minutes ... but under 12 was fast riding
Sat, Aug 11, 2012 - 3.24 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Heworth Golf Course
Sat, Aug 11, 2012 - 3.24 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 23.00
Elevation: 290
3.24 mi in 00:14:42 hours at 13.22 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Ride up to the Golf Course with a real hope of ding something in this weekends 2 day competition - playing well and the weather is good for a change.
Max Speed: 23.00
Elevation: 290
3.24 mi in 00:14:42 hours at 13.22 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Ride up to the Golf Course with a real hope of ding something in this weekends 2 day competition - playing well and the weather is good for a change.
Fri, Aug 10, 2012 - 3.30 mi [Cycling] Heworth Golf Course to Jarrow
Fri, Aug 10, 2012 - 3.30 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 33.50
Elevation: 21
3.30 mi in 00:10:49 hours at 18.31 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Very Fats ride home from the Golf Course - hit some serious speed and only a couple of dog walkers to avoid enabled me to get home sub 11 minutes
Max Speed: 33.50
Elevation: 21
3.30 mi in 00:10:49 hours at 18.31 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Very Fats ride home from the Golf Course - hit some serious speed and only a couple of dog walkers to avoid enabled me to get home sub 11 minutes
Fri, Aug 10, 2012 - 3.23 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Heworth Golf Course
Fri, Aug 10, 2012 - 3.23 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 22.20
Elevation: 154
3.23 mi in 00:13:32 hours at 14.32 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Another ride up to the Golf Course
Max Speed: 22.20
Elevation: 154
3.23 mi in 00:13:32 hours at 14.32 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Another ride up to the Golf Course
Wed, Aug 8, 2012 - 3.23 mi [Cycling] Heworth Golf Course to Jarrow
Wed, Aug 8, 2012 - 3.23 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 24.60
Elevation: 34
3.23 mi in 00:11:54 hours at 16.29 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Another fast ride home from Heworth Golf Club straight downwind down the old Bowes railway line
Max Speed: 24.60
Elevation: 34
3.23 mi in 00:11:54 hours at 16.29 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Another fast ride home from Heworth Golf Club straight downwind down the old Bowes railway line
Wed, Aug 8, 2012 - 3.22 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Heworth Golf Course
Wed, Aug 8, 2012 - 3.22 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 19.20
Elevation: 132
3.22 mi in 00:13:13 hours at 14.62 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Another cycle up to the golf Course
Max Speed: 19.20
Elevation: 132
3.22 mi in 00:13:13 hours at 14.62 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Another cycle up to the golf Course
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Tue, Aug 7, 2012 - 7.44 mi [Cycling] Newcastle to Jarrow
Tue, Aug 7, 2012 - 7.44 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 33.30
Elevation: 297
7.44 mi in 00:26:02 hours at 17.15 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Fastest ride ever hme from Newcastle - barely under 20mph anywhere except slowing down for junctions & pedestrians - pretty clear run saw me home in 26 minutes.
Max Speed: 33.30
Elevation: 297
7.44 mi in 00:26:02 hours at 17.15 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Fastest ride ever hme from Newcastle - barely under 20mph anywhere except slowing down for junctions & pedestrians - pretty clear run saw me home in 26 minutes.
Tue, Aug 7, 2012 - 1.65 mi [Cycling] Ledbury
Tue, Aug 7, 2012 - 1.65 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 22.50
Elevation: 171
1.65 mi in 00:07:47 hours at 12.72 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Short ride back up the hill at Ledbury to the station in a remarkably fast time on my fold up Dawes - peak speed of 22.5mph !
Max Speed: 22.50
Elevation: 171
1.65 mi in 00:07:47 hours at 12.72 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Short ride back up the hill at Ledbury to the station in a remarkably fast time on my fold up Dawes - peak speed of 22.5mph !
Tue, Aug 7, 2012 - 1.62 mi [Cycling] Ledbury
Tue, Aug 7, 2012 - 1.62 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 23.20
Elevation: 17
1.62 mi in 00:06:50 hours at 14.22 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Quick ride down from Ledbury station to UBL
Max Speed: 23.20
Elevation: 17
1.62 mi in 00:06:50 hours at 14.22 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Quick ride down from Ledbury station to UBL
Tue, Aug 7, 2012 - 1.62 mi [Cycling] Ledbury
Tue, Aug 7, 2012 - 1.62 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 23.20
Elevation: 17
1.62 mi in 00:06:50 hours at 14.22 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Quick ride down from Ledbury station to UBL
Max Speed: 23.20
Elevation: 17
1.62 mi in 00:06:50 hours at 14.22 mi/h on Dawes Jack. [Cycling] Quick ride down from Ledbury station to UBL
Tue, Aug 7, 2012 - 6.82 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Newcastle
Tue, Aug 7, 2012 - 6.82 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 23.10
Elevation: 342
6.82 mi in 00:30:57 hours at 13.22 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Early morning again - back to Central Station and onward to Ledbury
Max Speed: 23.10
Elevation: 342
6.82 mi in 00:30:57 hours at 13.22 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Early morning again - back to Central Station and onward to Ledbury
Sunday, 5 August 2012
Sun, Aug 5, 2012 - 1.04 mi [Cycling] Jarrow
Sun, Aug 5, 2012 - 1.04 mi [Cycling]
1.04 mi in 00:05:58 hours at 10.46 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Bizzare way to get home from the golf club - after anither torrential downpour all the roads were again flooded so after an interesting lift home past numerous drains which had turned into fountains in the road I was eventually dropped off on York Avenue which was shut .... except for bikes - so off I cycled through over 2 feet of water dipping my pedals in & out of what was a lake on the avenue and onwards home.
Garmin not switched on due to the weather
1.04 mi in 00:05:58 hours at 10.46 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Bizzare way to get home from the golf club - after anither torrential downpour all the roads were again flooded so after an interesting lift home past numerous drains which had turned into fountains in the road I was eventually dropped off on York Avenue which was shut .... except for bikes - so off I cycled through over 2 feet of water dipping my pedals in & out of what was a lake on the avenue and onwards home.
Garmin not switched on due to the weather
Sun, Aug 5, 2012 - 3.23 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Heworth Golf Course
Sun, Aug 5, 2012 - 3.23 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 16.90
Elevation: 142
3.23 mi in 00:15:10 hours at 12.78 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle up to the Golf Course for another competition which was a catch up from one of the many cancelled in June.
Max Speed: 16.90
Elevation: 142
3.23 mi in 00:15:10 hours at 12.78 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle up to the Golf Course for another competition which was a catch up from one of the many cancelled in June.
Sun, Aug 5, 2012 - 7.41 mi [Cycling] Newcastle to Jarrow
Sun, Aug 5, 2012 - 7.41 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 33.40
Elevation: 357
7.41 mi in 00:26:39 hours at 16.68 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Fast ride home from town after a nice day out i the sun in a crowded Newcastle - I also managed to find the new Brew Dog pub on Dean Street which is well worth a visit
Max Speed: 33.40
Elevation: 357
7.41 mi in 00:26:39 hours at 16.68 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Fast ride home from town after a nice day out i the sun in a crowded Newcastle - I also managed to find the new Brew Dog pub on Dean Street which is well worth a visit
Sat, Aug 4, 2012 - 7.16 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Newcastle
Sat, Aug 4, 2012 - 7.16 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 26.30
Elevation: 314
7.16 mi in 00:27:53 hours at 15.41 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Very fast ride up to Town - I was at the Millenium Brridge inside 20 minutes but then took another 8 minutes to get across a very very Busy Quayside & City Centre - Olyimpic Semi Final was on at St James' Park - Brazil v Honduras
Max Speed: 26.30
Elevation: 314
7.16 mi in 00:27:53 hours at 15.41 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Very fast ride up to Town - I was at the Millenium Brridge inside 20 minutes but then took another 8 minutes to get across a very very Busy Quayside & City Centre - Olyimpic Semi Final was on at St James' Park - Brazil v Honduras
Sat, Aug 4, 2012 - 3.19 mi [Cycling] Heworth Golf Course to Jarrow
Sat, Aug 4, 2012 - 3.19 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 25.70
Elevation: 65
3.19 mi in 00:10:59 hours at 17.43 mi/h on Pinnacle Hybrid. [Cycling] Fast cycle home after my best round of golf in ages - 2 under my handicap so a cut is coming - pleased to get home in under 11 minutes as well despite the bike gates on the Bowes line & all the Dog Walkers
Max Speed: 25.70
Elevation: 65
3.19 mi in 00:10:59 hours at 17.43 mi/h on Pinnacle Hybrid. [Cycling] Fast cycle home after my best round of golf in ages - 2 under my handicap so a cut is coming - pleased to get home in under 11 minutes as well despite the bike gates on the Bowes line & all the Dog Walkers
Sat, Aug 4, 2012 - 2.96 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Heworth Golf Course
Sat, Aug 4, 2012 - 2.96 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 19.40
Elevation: 163
2.96 mi in 00:11:55 hours at 14.90 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle to the Golf Course for my weekly saturday comp
Max Speed: 19.40
Elevation: 163
2.96 mi in 00:11:55 hours at 14.90 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle to the Golf Course for my weekly saturday comp
Fri, Aug 3, 2012 - 3.24 mi [Cycling] Heworth Golf Course to Jarrow
Fri, Aug 3, 2012 - 3.24 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 24.10
Elevation: 5
3.24 mi in 00:11:24 hours at 17.05 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle back from the Golf Course after a decent round - starting to get my swing back !
Max Speed: 24.10
Elevation: 5
3.24 mi in 00:11:24 hours at 17.05 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle back from the Golf Course after a decent round - starting to get my swing back !
Fri, Aug 3, 2012 - 3.22 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Heworth Golf Course
Fri, Aug 3, 2012 - 3.22 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 18.10
Elevation: 159
3.22 mi in 00:14:34 hours at 13.26 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle up to the Golf Course for another Comp
Max Speed: 18.10
Elevation: 159
3.22 mi in 00:14:34 hours at 13.26 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle up to the Golf Course for another Comp
Fri, Aug 3, 2012 - 2.57 mi [Cycling] Boldon
Fri, Aug 3, 2012 - 2.57 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 21.00
Elevation: 130
2.57 mi in 00:12:50 hours at 12.02 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Trip to ASDA for some shopping ..... with panniers
Max Speed: 21.00
Elevation: 130
2.57 mi in 00:12:50 hours at 12.02 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Trip to ASDA for some shopping ..... with panniers
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Thu, Aug 2, 2012 - 3.24 mi [Cycling] Heworth Golf Course to Jarrow
Thu, Aug 2, 2012 - 3.24 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 25.50
Elevation: 20
3.24 mi in 00:11:08 hours at 17.46 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Breaks Off & a fast ride home
Max Speed: 25.50
Elevation: 20
3.24 mi in 00:11:08 hours at 17.46 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Breaks Off & a fast ride home
Thu, Aug 2, 2012 - 3.21 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Heworth Golf Course
Thu, Aug 2, 2012 - 3.21 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 15.80
Elevation: 157
3.21 mi in 00:17:38 hours at 10.92 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] I thought this routine cycle up to the golf course was really tough - slight headwind but I just couldn't get any momentum and really struggled all the way.
When I got there I discovered when I had bungeed 3 golf clubs to my frame & had caught the rear break cable and effectively had the back brakes locked on all the way ... Tough Ride !
Max Speed: 15.80
Elevation: 157
3.21 mi in 00:17:38 hours at 10.92 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] I thought this routine cycle up to the golf course was really tough - slight headwind but I just couldn't get any momentum and really struggled all the way.
When I got there I discovered when I had bungeed 3 golf clubs to my frame & had caught the rear break cable and effectively had the back brakes locked on all the way ... Tough Ride !
Wed, Aug 1, 2012 - 2.54 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Boldon
Wed, Aug 1, 2012 - 2.54 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 23.20
Elevation: 49
2.54 mi in 00:11:28 hours at 13.29 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle to ASDA in Boldon for some essential Olympic watching treats.
Max Speed: 23.20
Elevation: 49
2.54 mi in 00:11:28 hours at 13.29 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle to ASDA in Boldon for some essential Olympic watching treats.
Wed, Aug 1, 2012 - 8.87 mi [Cycling] Newcastle to Jarrow
Wed, Aug 1, 2012 - 8.87 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 22.10
Elevation: 1114
8.87 mi in 00:45:41 hours at 11.65 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle home from St James disappointed at seeing Brazil beating the Oly Whites
Max Speed: 22.10
Elevation: 1114
8.87 mi in 00:45:41 hours at 11.65 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle home from St James disappointed at seeing Brazil beating the Oly Whites
Wed, Aug 1, 2012 - 7.29 mi [Cycling] Jarrow to Newcastle
Wed, Aug 1, 2012 - 7.29 mi [Cycling]
Max Speed: 23.60
Elevation: 434
7.29 mi in 00:38:57 hours at 11.23 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle up to St James Park to watch the Oly Whites of NZ take on Brazil
Max Speed: 23.60
Elevation: 434
7.29 mi in 00:38:57 hours at 11.23 mi/h on Trek .. [Cycling] Cycle up to St James Park to watch the Oly Whites of NZ take on Brazil
July Stats
July 2012 - Monthly Stats
Number of Rides = 51
Total Distance = 287.7 Miles
Time in Saddle = 24hrs 21mins 00secs
Average Speed = 11.8 mph
Total Elevation Gain = 10,349ft
Total Calories = 18,446
Longest Ride in July = 40.02 miles cycling from Ulverston along the back roads through Urswick, Gleaston, Leece & Roose into Barrow and then onto Walney Island. At Walney I cycled down to the Nature Reserve at the South End and took a few photos as it was a lovely day. On the way back I cycled along the coast via the cycle path to Rampside past Barrow Dock and then along the coast through Baycliffe and Bardsea and back to Ulverston.
Number of Rides = 51
Total Distance = 287.7 Miles
Time in Saddle = 24hrs 21mins 00secs
Average Speed = 11.8 mph
Total Elevation Gain = 10,349ft
Total Calories = 18,446
Longest Ride in July = 40.02 miles cycling from Ulverston along the back roads through Urswick, Gleaston, Leece & Roose into Barrow and then onto Walney Island. At Walney I cycled down to the Nature Reserve at the South End and took a few photos as it was a lovely day. On the way back I cycled along the coast via the cycle path to Rampside past Barrow Dock and then along the coast through Baycliffe and Bardsea and back to Ulverston.
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