Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Tue, Dec 27, 2011 - 6.35 mi [Cycling]

Tue, Dec 27, 2011 - 6.35 mi [Cycling] 
6.35 mi in 00:45:12 hours at 8.43 mi/h on Hire Hire. [Cycling] Cycle along the beach to the fantastic Matarangi Headland and back - 6.3 miles - Just enough to get to 3000 miles for the year and what a spectacular ride to get there.

Photographs :

2996 Miles : Approaching the headland

2996 Miles : A jellyfish on the beach at Matarangi Headland

2999.9 Miles

2999.95 miles

3000 Miles : The Arrival on the beach at Matarangi

3000 Miles + One happy cycist

3000 Miles : Satisfaction with a beer

3000 Miles in NZ

2994 : Apprehensive start at the Beach Bach with a tricky
6 miles to do to reach the 3000 miles in 2011 :-)

2996 Miles near the headland

2996 Miles on Matarangi Headland

3000 Miles in 2011 - The finish on Matarangi Beach, Coromandel, New Zealand

Mon, Dec 26, 2011 - 10.75 mi [Cycling] Matarangi

Mon, Dec 26, 2011 - 10.75 mi [Cycling] 10.75 mi in 00:55:38 hours at 11.59 mi/h on Hire Hire. [Cycling] Cycle around the whole of town

Sun, Dec 25, 2011 - 7.93 mi [Cycling] Matarangi XMAs Treasure Hunt

Sun, Dec 25, 2011 - 7.93 mi [Cycling] 7.93 mi in 01:14:24 hours at 6.40 mi/h on Hire Hire. [Cycling] Cycle around town several times creating a Treasure Hunt for the family on XMAs afternoon.

Fri, Dec 23, 2011 - 6.79 mi [Cycling]

Sat, Dec 24, 2011 - 1.82 mi [Cycling] Matarangi Golf Club 1.82 mi in 00:13:16 hours at 8.23 mi/h on Hire Hire. [Cycling] Cycle to the Matarangi GC where i had a very pleasant round with 2 Americans (Rod & Bud) from Pennsylvania - the course was beautiful but tough - designed by the great kiwi golfer Bob Charles.

Friday, 23 December 2011

Fri, Dec 23, 2011 - 6.79 mi [Cycling] Matarangi

Fri, Dec 23, 2011 - 6.79 mi [Cycling] 6.79 mi in 00:42:12 hours at 9.65 mi/h on Hire Hire. [Cycling] Cycle around Matarangi where we will be spending Christmas in a Bach and where there are 2 very,very, very old and decrepid bikes - one of which I have named Jonah because he is kiwi, very heavy, well past his best and really quite sick

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Sun, Dec 18, 2011 - 8.67 mi [Cycling] Paihia Waitangi Harura Falls

Sun, Dec 18, 2011 - 8.67 mi [Cycling] 8.67 mi in 00:44:23 hours at 11.72 mi/h on Hire Hire. [Cycling] Cycle up to Waitangi and then walked along the river to the Harura Falls followed by another ride over Mount Bleliscoe back to Waitangi & on to Paihia.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Tue, Mar 30, 2010 - 19.05 mi [Cycling] Paihia Waitangi Forest

Tue, Mar 30, 2010 - 19.05 mi [Cycling]

19.05 mi in 01:24:32 hours at 13.52 mi/h on Pinnacle Hybrid. [Cycling] Good weather again there and back - very odd as there's some horrible stuff about today.

Friday, 16 December 2011

Fri, Dec 16, 2011 - 19.09 mi [Cycling] Paihia to Russell via Wiatangi, Harura & Opua

Fri, Dec 16, 2011 - 19.09 mi [Cycling] 19.09 mi in 01:47:55 hours at 10.61 mi/h on Hire Hire. [Cycling] Cysle from Paihia across the bridge to Waitangi for an early morning round of golf after which I continued up the hill and across to the harura falls. I then looped back to Paihia and headed up the mian road to Opua from where the ferry took me across the bay and I cycled up to Russell. Not a long ride but with 1831 feet of elevation it was tough


3 Miles : This is the 11th hole at Waitangi Golf Club where
I stopped for a quick round mid ride !

4 Miles : The road from Waitangi goes uphill and across the side
of Mount Blelisoe  

5 Miles : A nice view across the bay before entering the forest
across to Harura.

6 miles : Deep in the forest on my way to the Harura falls
There were lots of Lorkeets flying about but sadly none
were friendly enough to let me get a picture of them.

14 Miles : The ferry across the Bay from Opua

19 Miles : The view down to Longbeach from Russell
well worth the ride !

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Thu, Dec 15, 2011 - 6.91 mi [Cycling] Paihia Wiairoa Station Loop

Thu, Dec 15, 2011 - 6.91 mi [Cycling]
6.91 mi in 00:32:06 hours at 12.92 mi/h on Hire Hire. [Cycling] Picked up a hire bike at Paihia late this afternoon and managed my first Southern Hemisphere bike ride along the coast from Paihia past Waitangi Treaty House amd the golf course down to Wiairoa Station - Winter Cycling in shorts & Tee shirt -- AWESOME 

Route : 

1 mile : The view across the Bay of Islands from Paihia just along from the
35 Degree South Bar. 

3 miles : This is the largest Waka in the world built in 1940 to celebrate the 100
year anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. It was made from
3 Kauri trees felled in the Pukati forest. Waka Ngatokimatawhaorua is 35m
long and carries 76 paddlers and has reached a speed of 27 knotts. It is raced
once a year on February 6th - Waitangi Day.

3 Miles : The flagpole marks the spot where the Treaty of
Waitangi was signed on 6th February 1840. 3 Flags fly which
are the English cross of St George, the Mauri flag and the
modern day flag of New Zealand. 

Friday, 2 December 2011

November Stats

Number of Rides = 3
Total Distance = 18.47
Miles Time in Saddle = 1hrs 13mins 40secs
 Average Speed = 15.04mph
 Total Elevation Gain = 710ft
 Total Calories = 905

Fri, Dec 2, 2011 - 7.84 mi [Cycling] Newcastle Jarrow

7.84 mi in 00:36:00 hours at 13.07 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Well with all the metros off on strike and my car booked in for a service I had to cycle back from the garage didn't I .... Hmmph the inconvenience of it all .. lol

Sat, Nov 19, 2011 - 3.48 mi [Cycling] Jarrow

3.48 mi in 00:11:56 hours at 17.50 mi/h on Bianchi Nironne 7. [Cycling] Cycle down to Jarrow Town Centre to watch the Toon lose their unbeaten run at Man City after a decent performance with their chances to get something.