22.30 mi in 01:43:29 hours at 12.93 mi/h on Pinnacle Hybrid. [Cycling] Cycle up to Newcastle on a lovely long day now the hour has gone on to look for aliens ... which I photographed for my cycle blog.
Posted from My Cycling Log
I did find a lot of the aliens but there are at least another 4 I am aware of that I didn't locate - anyway here's the pictures of them ... enjoy
I encountered the first alien on the Quayside - he seemed to have a transmission antenna, no doubt to contact the Mother ship. |
Alien #2 - This one seemed to be monkeying about - on the Tyne bridge of all places ! |
Alien #3 : I cycled up to Chinatown and Stowwell Street to find this fella and once again he seemed to have a reconnaisance device. |
Alien #4 : This one seems to have his eye on some of local delicacy's - but his camoflage didn't fool me. |
Alien #5 : Spotted partying in the Bigg Market - he had thosse big red eyes firmly fixed on Pop World across the road. |
Alien #6 : This fella was hiding in a corner of High Bridge Street .. but I tracked him down. |
Alien #7 : High up on Pilgrim Street this alien was watching |
Alien #8: This time at low level this chap was on a wall at the end of Saville Row. |
Alien #9: Back on the Quayside this fire breathing Alien can be spotted just above the Side gallery - no doubt observing local culture. |
Alien #10: This was a baby Alien trying to hide on the railway bridge on City Road .. but I spotted him. |
Alien #12: Just when I thought I had seen the last of them this Alien turned up at Gateshead metro station of all places - obviously trying to expand their base in the North East. |